New course record as Country to Capital returns for 2025

Wow, what an event that was! Last weekend's Country to Capital Ultra returned with a bang as winner Kallum Pritchard smashed the course record by a whopping 11 minutes. On a mostly dry day, with frost underfoot, Kallum made the conditions work to his advantage by romping...

Christmas is coming… time to book yourself in for Country to Capital

Certain shops, to the chagrin of many commentators, are starting to put decorations on sale.Christmas decorations. On sale. In early September.Probably, if we’re honest, since mid-August.It’s a move bound to court controversy, but the world we live in dictates it.So, not wishing to clash with...

Tube Runner Jonny Davies’ “toughest ultra yet”

"That was the toughest 70k I've ever ran." It's a big statement coming from a man running his eleventh ultra in 18 months, but Jonny Davies, aka The Tube Runner, didn't hesitate to give it at the end of our 43-mile Country to Capital Ultra Marathon. Speaking on his YouTube...

Why everyone who entered our Country to Capital Ultra is a winner

With weather that would have had Noah diving for his ark the order of the day(s) in the run up to this year's Country to Capital Ultra Marathon, it was with some trepidation as well as excitement that nearly 400 runners lined up outside Wendover's...

Thames Trot
Happy New Year! Time to run 43-miles Country to Capital style

Ladies and gentleman, roll up, roll up!It's almost time for the first big event of 2024. An international field. Muddy trails and charming countryside. Forty-three miles of fun and quite possibly pain.Yes, the 16th annual Country to Capital Ultra Marathon is set to start at 8.45am this...