Dirt might not last forever – but the memories will!

Nothing, not even pain, lasts forever.

As motivational running quotes go it’s a good, if slightly frightening, one.

But here at Go Beyond HQ, we’d like to disagree slightly… for two very good reasons.

Firstly, with the amount of rain we’ve had so far this year, we can’t 100 per cent promise you’ll ever really be able to get rid of the dirt you’d doubtless collect completing our iconic Dirt Run event at Irchester Country Park.

Dirt run Irchester County Park

But, more importantly, we can absolutely guarantee that your memories of this epic event will last forever.

Made famous as the Wellingborough Multi Terrain Series, this two round multi-terrain run returns on Sunday, January 21 and Sunday, February 18 – and you can enter HERE for Round One or HERE for Round Two.

The Dirt Run features either 5k, 10k or 15k distances, with this year’s event following the ‘uphill’ route – basically, participants will be heading up the big hill! – through some stunning scenery.

We can’t wait to see you there!