Why everyone who entered our Country to Capital Ultra is a winner

With weather that would have had Noah diving for his ark the order of the day(s) in the run up to this year's Country to Capital Ultra Marathon, it was with some trepidation as well as excitement that nearly 400 runners lined up outside Wendover's...

Thames Trot
Happy New Year! Time to run 43-miles Country to Capital style

Ladies and gentleman, roll up, roll up!It's almost time for the first big event of 2024. An international field. Muddy trails and charming countryside. Forty-three miles of fun and quite possibly pain.Yes, the 16th annual Country to Capital Ultra Marathon is set to start at 8.45am this...

Could the Americans be right?

We have invested heavily in RideWithGPS to make our events more enjoyable and our routes easier to follow. I have to say that they are very good with their technical support - they need to be with me trying to learn! However, they continually say rowt and...

Nepal Beckons!

I can't believe that a week today we embark on our first international event in Nepal. We have seven intrepid runners who are about to experience the beauty and culture of this amazing country in areas that rarely see tourists let alone runners! ...

Real running not virtual

Now I'm not a big fan of virtual races, people tell me I should get involved and make some money but I have to believe in something rather than do it for the sake of it. So I have decided to set series of challenges...