We sent our marketing man and occasional runner Craig Lewis out to take on the mud, rain and slippery slopes of the Irchester Dirt Run last month.
This is his report...
Imagine you’ve just run 47-miles. Your body, and quite possibly soul, are exhausted. Blisters. Dehydration. Aching muscles.
Basically all those joyous things that make us love ultra running.
What would you most want? Toilets? Showers? Hot soup and rolls? Tea and coffee? Heaters? Somewhere warm to change?
"Suitably muddy".If there was ever a race review that succinctly sums up our Dirt Run event, this might just be it.Of course, there is so much more to this exciting event at Irchester Country Park, the second round of which is set to return on...
Nothing, not even pain, lasts forever.As motivational running quotes go it's a good, if slightly frightening, one.But here at Go Beyond HQ, we'd like to disagree slightly...
With weather that would have had Noah diving for his ark the order of the day(s) in the run up to this year's Country to Capital Ultra Marathon, it was with some trepidation as well as excitement that nearly 400 runners lined up outside Wendover's...
Ladies and gentleman, roll up, roll up!It's almost time for the first big event of 2024. An international field. Muddy trails and charming countryside. Forty-three miles of fun and quite possibly pain.Yes, the 16th annual Country to Capital Ultra Marathon is set to start at 8.45am this...
We have invested heavily in RideWithGPS to make our events more enjoyable and our routes easier to follow.
I have to say that they are very good with their technical support - they need to be with me trying to learn!
However, they continually say rowt and...
And just like that, it was over.Five wonderful days of running through the most incredible landscape, meeting beautiful people and experiencing the joys of ultra running at their most spectacular, painful and rewarding.But before we reach the finish line, let's quickly return to the start...
Jeep trails, ancient villages, bustling towns, jungle and woodland - it's been a busy couple of days for our Capital to Country ultra-marathoners.Nepal continues to deliver in spades, with sensational scenery and magnificent mileage top of the in-box for our seven runners.Day two saw our...
There comes a time when the monkeying around has to end.
But being Go Beyond, we decided to extend it just a little - and it turned out to be a blessing.
Yes, the first day of our epic Nepalese adventure is done and dusted, with our...